Parcel no. 470, at the southern site of the cemetery, approximate GPS coordinates are 47.482189, 19.000059
Summary from Wikipedia
Bartók was born in the Banatian town of Nagyszentmiklós in the Kingdom of Hungary (present-day Sânnicolau Mare, Romania) on 25 March 1881.[2] On his father's side, the Bartók family was a Hungarian lower noble family, originating from Borsodszirák, Borsod.[3] His paternal grandmother was a Catholic of Bunjevci origin, but considered herself Hungarian.[4] Bartók's father (1855–1888) was also named Béla. Bartók's mother, Paula (née Voit) [hu] (1857–1939), spoke[5] Hungarian fluently.[6] A native of Turócszentmárton (present-day ...
Author of contribution: Janez, published 16. 8. 2016